Instructions for Golf Shop Staff :
NEW MEMBERS: “NEW MEMBERS” get to walk out with the pre-made membership packets. Select “MEBERSHIP TYPE” and choose “New Membership” . Then select “PAYMENT TYPE” and choose either “Cash” or “Credit”. Select a premade packet on site and then select the same packet number on the screen. Select “SUBMIT DATA” button and then enter customers name and email address information. When you select “SUBMIT TO PROCESS SALE” button and tender the transaction, the membership and gift card will be activated. (Please print two receipts when doing “Cash” sales and staple the receipt to the cash collected)
RENEWING MEMBERS: “RENEWING MEMBERS” also get to walk out with the pre-made membership packets. Select “MEBERSHIP TYPE” and choose “Renewing Membership” . Then select “PAYMENT TYPE” and choose either “Cash” or “Credit”. Select a premade packet on site and then select the same packet number on the screen. Select renewing member by name or by member number. (IMPORTANT: Be sure to double check you’ve selected the correct member name / number to renew before the next step.) Select “SUBMIT DATA” button and verify the renewing members information. When you select “SUBMIT TO PROCESS SALE” button and tender the transaction, the membership and gift card will be activated.
NOTE: The renewing members new members card and new membership number are now active with history transferred. Old membership cards / numbers should be retired. (Please print two receipts when doing “Cash” sales and staple the receipt to the cash collected)
HELP: If you have any questions or need special assistance please contact
info@platinumgolfmembership. com (Christene Pippin) or