I Forgot to Renew... What happens?
Welcome Back
Prior members are always welcome back at a discounted price. We realize that life can be a little chaotic at times and not everyone checks their email as frequently as we do . If you need help renewing, simply contact customer service to discuss all options that may be available. (Tip: If you still remember your username and password to login to our member area you can likely renew at your convenience.)
Rounds Tracking (Not Renewed):
If you are not renewed for a given year the golf courses can not look you up or give you a round credit for any round played prior to renewing. (Example: a 2024 member forgets to renew for 2025 and shows up at Blackmoor to play golf on Jan 17, 2025. The course will not be able to look the member up to add a round credit until the member is renewed.)
FREE Rounds (Not Renewed)
If you haven’t renewed by March 1st of the following year member account will be frozen including FREE rounds pending. (NOTE: Historically most of our participating courses will allow members to redeem FREE rounds up until Feb 28th of the following year. This is not guaranteed but many courses are happy to do it.)
What is the membership RENEWAL deadline?
The 2025 Platinum Golf Membership ™ best pricing early renewal deadline is Sept 30, 2024 for all current 2024 members to ensure you get the best renewal pricing. Price continue to rise slowly as the new year approaches (Membership must be renewed by March 10, 2025 or member account will be frozen including FREE Rounds pending.) Renewing online is the recommended method to renew since members can update their current membership information like address or email address changes prior to renewing. Please call or email the Platinum Golf Membership ™ team if you need assistance or want to renew over the phone.
PHONE: 843-633-1625 EMAIL: info@platinumgolfmembership.com
(NOTE: Default username and password for member accounts are …. Username: (email address on file) Password: (membership number)
What does the Membership include?
At our “PARTICIPATING COURSES all members get the play 4 rounds get the 5th round FREE, access to weekly course specials, guests can play with you for as little as $5 more then what you pay, and member golf events throughout the year. All of our courses have “not to exceed” rates varying between $40 and $80. (NOTE: “Associate Courses” just give discounted rates to play)
FREE Round Redemption
FREE Round Redemption:
How are my rounds tracked?
Every time you play at a participating course, present your membership card to earn “points” (aka. Round Credit) for your paid round. Each course tracks the member rounds and they will be listed in your detailed play listing shown on the MEMBER LOGIN page when you log in. After you play 4 rounds at any one course, you will have a FREE round in your account at that course. (Redeemed rounds will indicate the date the round was redeemed)
Understanding the "View Status by Course" feature
There are two ways to look up your round history and status:
- DETAILED PLAY LISTING: This report shows all rounds played by date, course and point value giving.
- VIEW STATUS BY COURSE: This report shows all rounds played and is summarized by course. It also shows how many “Accrued Rounds” you currently have towards earning a FREE round. (Note: Once you trigger a FREE round by playing 4 times the Accrued Round count resets to “zero”. )
The sample image below shows 24 total rounds at Blackmoor with “Zero” rounds in the Accrued column for Blackmoor because the counter has reset after ever 4th round, generating a total of 6 FREE rounds. Additionally, 3 rounds are shown in both columns for Arcadian Shores. If the member plays ONE MORE ROUND at Arcadian Shores the report would show 4 total rounds and zero accrued round.
Can I bring a “Guest” to play with me?
Platinum Golf Members can bring up to 3 guests to join them. The guest(s) simply pay as little as $5.00 more than the member rate for the tee time. (*Guests of members pay $3.00 more than the member rates on 9 hole rounds). (Member Guest fees vary by course and by time of year. Please call ahead if you are not sure what the course is charging for guests.)
How fast will I get my Platinum Membership Card(s)
After signing up online, you will receive your member card and gift card (if you choose that option) in the mail in about 5 business days. (NOTE: Your member number will be active right away. You can print your receipt and save a copy to show the course if you plan to play right away. Golf Courses can also look you up by name to see you’re an active member before you receive your card. Please present your membership card (or receipt) information at checking to ensure your rounds are tracked.)
Online Bookings with the Platinum Golf Membership ™
Online Bookings are highly recommended to get the best rates and book the furthest in advance. (*Normally a min. of 3 days when booking online.) A Sagacity Golf Username and Login will need to be created to book online. This will be different then your username and password to log in to the Platinum Members site. Once a unique username and login is created at a course it can be uses at other courses with the Sagacity Golf Booking engine that most courses use.
LONG STORY SHORT: You’ll be forced to have two different logins. One to view your “Play History” and “Redeem Awards” in the Platinum Golf Member Area. Your second login will be created to book online.
(Why is this? Simple, the password protection is higher for online bookings since your credit card is attached to the Online Booking account. The username and login to the Platinum Golf Membership ™ area only allows you to view basic information and doesn’t store your credit card. We know this is long winded but feel it may be helpful to our members to share this information.)
Why didn’t I get a round credit for Playing?
No points are given for FREE rounds played or for rounds booked under other rates or programs.
No points are given for tee times made outside of the stated booking window. (*Normal restrictions are 48H over phone or 3 days online but many courses offer longer booking windows. )NOTICE: Golf courses are not required to give you credit for a round played if you play in a group that was booked in advance of the 48 hour booking restriction or if you paid a rate less than the going Platinum members rate for that course.
(Example: You get invited to play Rivers Edge with a group of 20 that has an opening for a tee time they booked 2 month ago. In this case it is up to the course pro if you should get a “Credit” for your round played based on the rate charged and how far in advance it was booked.) The golf pros should give you credit or explain why you wouldn’t get credit at the time of check in.
How do I login to my Platinum Member account?
You can access your Platinum Golf Membership ™ at www.platinumgolfmembership.com. Select MEMBER LOG IN. Your USERNAME is the email you provided us when you signed up and your PASSWORD is either your current member number OR the custom password you have setup previously. (*NOTE: If you share an email with your spouse, only one of you can use that email as a username.) Simply email info@platinumgolfmembership.com and we can access your account to make changes/add a personal email or even set you up a special custom email to use as your username. You can also call 843-633-1625 between the hours of 9am-2pm and we can provide assistance by looking up your account. For best experience, please note that Internet Explorer is not supported.
NOTE: A separate Username and Login will need to be created to book online. Once a unique username and login is created at a course it can be uses at other courses with the Sagacity Golf Booking engine that most courses use.
Why am I not getting emails with rates and specials?
This is a common request because we don’t SPAM our members. Two-Step email verification is required. First you must “SUBSCRIBE” to our site and then you must accept email subscription that comes to your selected email inbox. Again, simply go to https://platinumgolfmembership.com/subscribe-to-news-and-alerts/ , type in the email you want to be notified at and then hit the subscribe button. Once you subscribe, you must accept the subscription that will be sent to the email address you just typed in.
(NOTE: You can also access “SPECIALS” anytime without logging on at: https://platinumgolfmembership.com/specials/ to view current specials.) If you’re having problems just send an email to: info@platinumgolfmembership.com for assistance.
What are the booking restrictions?
Member rounds may not be booked more than 48 hours in advance over the phone or in person. Online bookings offer a minimum 3 day booking window and are the recommended method to book your Platinum Golf Tee Times. Click here to view the “BOOK ONLINE” page for online tee times.
Do the rates include Cart Fees?
All courses include any “Golf Cart Fees” in the rates that are quoted. We do not foresee a change in this policy as it has remained this way for years and seems to be appreciated by our members.
What if I lost my membership or gift card?
Email us at info@platinumgolfmembership.com with your first and last name and member number (if you remember the number) and we can issue you a new membership card.
Rounds Tracking: While you’re waiting on a replacement card you can still get round credits. Just tell the staff your membership number when you golf and then verify your identity with a drivers license so you don’t miss credit for any rounds.
Gift Cards Lost / Stolen: Platinum Golf Membership is not responsible for any gift cards lost or stolen. Gift cards have no cash value. Expired cards from any program have no value and can not be transferred or reactivated.
Please call customer service at 843-633-1625 for additional help replacing a missing membership card or help with gift cards.
How do I contact the Platinum Golf Member staff?
Mailing address:
10993 Ocean Hwy #3907, Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Phone Number:
How do I qualify for LOCAL pricing and discounts
Snowbird Golf Membership / Non-Resident Golf Membership
The Platinum Golf Membership™ – Snowbird Golf Membership is a great value for golfers that frequent the Grand Strand (Myrtle Beach Area) with courses in both NC and SC.
Here are some benefits to consider:
1.) The Platinum Golf Membership™ – Snowbird Membership if valid from the time of purchase for the entire year. (ie. Expires 12.31.24)
2.) Renewal Discounts: Operating with the goal of long-term loyalty to our golf courses, Snowbirds qualify for the heavily discounted “Renewal” membership rates after the first year. (ie. Renewal Pricing was as low as $29.00 for early renewals for the 2025 calendar year.)
3.) Guests: Members can bring up to three guests. Guests pay between $5.00 and 10.00 more than the member pays depending on the course selected.
4.) Rates: Rates offered to Platinum Members are dynamically priced by most courses but normally is approx. 40% Savings compared to the public rates.
5.) Booking window: The guaranteed booking window is 48hour in person and 3 days online. Many courses offer advance booking windows (ie. 5 to 7 days in advance) but this also varies by course.
6.) Points: Every paid round equal “1” point / round credit for that specific course. When you get 4 credits the system automatically generates a FREE round to be redeemed at that course.
Gift Cards (General Information)