Platinum Golf Member Tournaments
Platinum Golf Member Tournaments are TWO PERSON events and include round credit, lunch, and a chance to win prizes. Sign up now by choosing from the list below. Advance tournament registration is available online to Platinum Golf Members only.
(No 48 hour booking restriction for Platinum Golf Member Tournaments events registration!)
** Golf Courses will not have signup sheet until 24 hours before the event when online registration is closed.
(See “Terms and Conditions of Golf Tournaments” at the bottom of this page for more details.)
Event Date | Golf Course | Start Time | Event Format | REGISTRATION DETAILS |
March 4, 2020 | River Oaks Golf Club | 8:00 am Shotgun | Two Person - Scramble | Registration |
March 17, 2020 | Lockwood Folly | 9:00 am Shotgun | Two Person - Scramble | Registration |
April 7, 2020 | Diamondback Golf Club | 9:00 am Shotgun | Two Person - Scramble | Registration |
May 26, 2020 | The Pearl | Cancelled | Two Person - Scramble | Registration |
June 16, 2020 | Arcadian Shores | Cancelled | Two Person - Scramble | Registration |
July 14, 2020 | Crow Creek Golf Club | Cancelled | Two Person - Scramble | Registration |
Members: May cancel for a full refund 1 week out or more from event date for any reason. Thank you for your early registration to these events!!!!! | *Gift cards may not be used to pay for registration online* |
Event Formats:
Two Person – Scramble: On every hole, both players may hit a tee shot. The players then select one of the tee shots to play from for the next shot. Both players may then hit from that position. This process is repeated until the ball is holed. (aka. Captain’s Choice)
Two Person – Best Ball: On every hole, both players play their own balls. At the completion of the hole, the lowest score serves as the team score for the hole. (i.e. The “Best Ball” among the player is selected as the team score for that hole.)
Two Person – Platinum “SHAMBLE”: On every hole, both players may hit a tee shot. The players then select one of the tee shots to play from for the next shot. Both players then play their own balls in for the rest of the hole. At the completion of the hole, the lowest score serves as the team score for the hole. (*This format has the benefits of a “Scramble” from the tee and the benefits of “Best Ball” allowing a partner not to be forced to finish every hole.)
Two Person – Platinum Stableford: On every hole, both players play their own balls. At the completion, of the hole, both player’s scores are assigned “POINTS” based on the following:
Eagle: 4 points, Birdie: 3 points, Par: 2 points, Bogey: 1 point, Double Bogey or higher: 0 Points
At the completion of play, both player’s points are added together to show a “TEAM TOTAL” with the highest score being the best.
Two Person – Platinum Alternate Shot: On every hole, both players may hit a tee shot. The players then select one of the tee shots to play from for the next shot. Alternate shot is then started by the player who’s ball was not selected from the selected tee shot location. Players then alternate hitting shots in until the ball is holed.
Tees by Age:
Tees selected and assigned to players are ultimately determined by the hosting course. As a general rule we attempt the following recommended tees by age of players.
Standard Tees: 6200 – 6900 yards (all players under the age of 60)
Senior Tees: 5700 – 6100 yards (all players 60 and over up to age 69)
Super Senior Tees: 5600 yards or less (all players over the age of 70)
Terms and Conditions of Golf Tournaments
FEES: Tournament fees are excluded from “Not to Exceed” pricing due to the addition of lunch, prizes and advance registration opportunities. Members can expect to see higher pricing for tournaments compared to the standard / special rates offered to members restricting them to only 48 hour reservations. Gift cards may not be used to pay for registration online or at the course.
GUESTS: Platinum Golf Member Tournaments are intended for platinum golf members only. You may register and pay for a second player online but they should be a fellow Platinum Golf Member or additional charge will be required at check in on the day of play. (*Additional fees may exceed normal guest fees or Platinum Golf Members.) (**Guests should assume they are paying the course regular “WALK IN” rate. Please verify guest fee with host course.)
HANDICAPS: Some events require players to submit an approx. handicap depending on the format used. Please see the Pro before the event starts if you have any questions.
ONLINE SIGNUP: Players should sign up and pay their tournament fees using the online registration form provided for each event.
GOLF COURSE SIGNUP: Event registration is intended to be done exclusively online. Members may attempt to sign up at the golf course within 24 hours of the event. (Note: Golf courses will not be provided the sign up for showing space available until approx. 24 hours before the event when online signups have closed.)
CANCELLATIONS / REFUNDS: Platinum Golf members that register for a tournament event and want to cancel may do so only by email request to info@platinumgolfmembership.com a minimum of 7 days in advance of the the event date. All requests to cancel with in 6 days of the event should be done via email request to info@platinumgolfmembership.com. No cash refunds will be issued for cancellations requested within 6 days of the event. All refund requests are subject to a $10.00 cancellation fee.